The clock clicked over to 5:45 in the morning and the alarm began it’s annoying beep

It was time to start the day, the night had been short but there were obligations to keep

Make the coffee, feed the cat and make the lunches for the kid’s one day a week at school

Quietly laughing at herself that she sounded like her mother with yesterday’s “say so” rule

The routine needed to be kept, there were no time allowances for car repairs, a plumber or a doctor’s visit for a cough and a runny nose

What used to be considered just a cold now required examination, testing and waiting for a clinician to diagnose

Her husband couldn’t be a lot of help as his sales job kept him stressed and on the road

She’d taken a part time job at the local bank so juggling her kids activities and her job were required just to take in more than they owed

Purchases were mainly for food, clothes for the kids and to keep the lights burning

A new wardrobe for herself was out of the question but wearing a new sweater over her three year old dress would would stay in budget for what they were earning

No, she hasn’t been to Europe but a four day weekend in Panama City would be a real treat

What was once a spur of the moment, beer fueled getaway would now be considered a luxurious retreat

So this so called birthing person trudges on in her daily grind but wouldn’t trade her life for any other

Because in spite of the scraped knees, teachers conferences and any number of sweltering ball games she is still proud to call herself a mother