
An Observer of Life in Bad Poetry

Commentary on Daily Life, Politics and Sports


April 2024

The Lying King

The Lying King smirked as he surveyed his kingdom. “A job well done,” he thought

The American people were once again played as fools as the lies he spouted they had bought

It has now gotten to the point the citizens will just roll their eyes whenever he lies

Unable to speak extemporaneously, he is reduced to reading word for word from a teleprompter with his tired old eyes

His treatment now is that of the demented old uncle who sits in the corner at family gatherings and wears a bib should he drool

He’s only sharp enough to parrot the demands of those pulling the strings as he continues to strip America of its character with his rule

In his campaign he hid in his basement only coming out with a promise to unite

What he did accomplish was to consolidate the hatred by all those non-white

His false sincerity was swallowed by those looking for government handouts hook, line and sinker

With a path of destruction highlighted by burned-out cities, daily shootings, and a completely demoralized police force, it didn’t take long for some to realize this man was not a deep thinker

His love affair with Ukraine and all that is connected is now in its third year

Yet the easily triggered believe what is written in daily bytes on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and to those unsourced dictums adhere

He killed the economy on day one by shutting down the gas industry as we once again depend on foreign oil

He threw the borders wide open for any international terrorist to set up camp on American soil

He stomped on women’s rights by rewriting Title IX as true females have now become the bench warmers on a women’s team

Claim to be a woman when you couldn’t cut it on a men’s team and now you may now live your dream

It really doesn’t matter what he does now. He’s ruined America with its debt for generations to come

Money comes as easy as printing more or so it seems to this bum

Just recently he stated a relative of his was eaten by cannibals when his plane crash-landed in New Guinea

Had it been Joe himself, the cannibals would have scrounged up a lizard or something as Joe’s head would have produced a diseased brain and his legs would have been too skinny

Put On Those High Heeled Sneakers

“Girls we simply must do something,” stated Deb Les. “This new Title IX is stealing our thunder”

The group of drag queens were assembled at the pre-show table wondering if this administration had created yet another blunder

Looking around the group of partially made-up queens Deb Les asked almost rhetorically, “Any suggestions?”

All heads turned away as none of the six had an answer for any questions

Finally, Rhoda Big spoke. “You know with this new ruling we’re losing a great deal of drag queen shock”

“Normally we just had to turn on the lights and to our revue people would flock”

“Now the press has stopped coming and even our story time at the library has become a show for the same kids and moms”

“For the longest time no one has threatened us with beatings, shootings or bombs”

One could hear a pin drop after that statement as it was obvious the queens needed a plan

“We need something sooner than later,” said Sally Tight Pants. “Otherwise I’ll have to go back to just being a man”

“Oh my, yes dear,” piped up Holly Hot Pepper. “I’d hate the idea of nothing to look forward to after a hectic week of being a DMV clerk”

“And missing the roar of the crowd after ending my routine with a 30-second rapid fire twerk”

“Anyone can now walk into any locker room they want to watch a woman shower”

“It takes the jolt out of my routine by flashing a tiny bit of my flower”

“The mystery is gone when it’s open season on restrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms for anyone to see”

“People would stop coming or caring for that matter and this I guarantee”

“I wanted to get your thoughts about this situation with the new ruling,” said Deb Les. “Believe me when I say I don’t want to be remembered as only a fourth grade teacher”

“So what we’ll do is come up with an entirely new act with our athletic prowess being the main feature

“We’ll contact the other queens and form a basketball dunk league and to make it special the uniforms will be our own costumes”

“And the winners will receive a rhinestone tiara and specially colored ostrich plumes”

“Points will be awarded for speed, dance moves and dunking style”

“And at the end of the season a Grand Queen will be announced from the points they will compile”

“The sports betting companies will have to get involved with all the action”

Then television, action figures, and commercial endorsements should all fall into place to everyone’s satisfaction”

“So girls lets all go home and lace up those high heeled sneakers”

“And hear our name blasted through the arena’s twenty foot speakers”

Killa Wafers

In the 1943 edition of Joy Of Cooking, Granny would have a followed the recipe should she desire some vanilla wafers for dessert

She would have donned her baking apron worn from years of use to protect her only Sunday skirt

She then assembled all her ingredients including sugar, vanilla, and egg and butter

She would have sifted the flour, added whole milk and beat the batter smooth. Then she would roll it flat and shape the cookies with a cutter

Pretty soon the aroma of baking vanilla wafers would be wafting through the house

A simple cookie baked in seven minutes with real ingredients and served with pride to guest, kids and spouse

Fast forward 80 years and forget about fooling around in a hot kitchen for simple cookies just buy a box of vanilla wafers at the store

Besides looking at today’s ingredients and having them on hand would be a near impossible chore

For that matter Granny could never bake with the ingredients listed on the side of the box

As most of the ingredients listed sound like refugees from a chemistry class and if not measured properly would probably choke an ox

Granny would become very frustrated trying to add thiamine mononitrate to her batter

And knowing full well that using high fructose corn syrup would only make Gramps a little fatter

And don’t get Granny started on natural and artificial flavors. “What is it?” she snapped angrily causing her false teeth to click
“Vanilla is the main flavor and its not even listed,” she advised. “This gunk would make you very sick.”

“Sorry, I’m not eating anything that says contains mono and diglycerides.” I guess they figure no one will read this list.”

The grandchildren would have already scattered as they could tell by her red face and the tone of her voice she was pissed

Someone should have told Granny before she passed away at 93 that food is better today through modern chemistry and mass production

However after cleaning her grand kid’s backpack and finding a three-year-old store bought vanilla wafer looking like it just came out of the box, she’d have known better by deduction

Ignoring the Big Green Tsunami

Recently one of the hostesses of a certain talk show blamed climate change for an earthquake and the eclipse

And according to the plastic water bottle toting activists climate change will be the reason we all will cash in our chips

So let’s look at some of the root causes of climate change the current administration wants us to believe

The many indignant “expert” faces that are constantly surrounded by the adoring main stream media would never try to deceive

They fly in their private jets and are motored around in their gas guzzling SUVs to enforce their lectures about us traveling too much and burning too much gas

Always keep in mind what is being touted by these fine folks in DC is not being practiced by themselves but passed on to you being citizens third class

The causes of climate change are many. First and foremost would be the covid pandemic spread by too many people flying around the globe

Ineffective vaccines, masks, social distancing, and lock downs were all enforced as panic set in caused by a US funded microbe

When this virus was found to be more of a hoax than a plague, the supply chain became the next climate change victim

Simply put due to the ridiculous lock downs the supply of goods couldn’t meet the demand in the distribution system

With gas prices soaring, rail and truck lines couldn’t raise their rates fast enough to stay in the black

Taking advantage of the supply mayhem, food, pharmaceutical, and housing were all raking in untold profits but leaving the US workers feeling like they’d been stabbed in the back

Meanwhile, the brain-washed continue to wave their climate change banners with the mindless idea they are actually achieving something good

Never have so many been sucked into a total lie they never understood

Follow the money. The dollars generated all go to lining the pockets of congress by funding the great war machine

Where did the money come from to pay Ukraine, aid for Israel and Gaza relief, and to house eight million untrained and unvetted migrants? From you under the guise of keeping America clean and green

Desperately needing more money, ie votes, Biden will once again turn to minorities, college loan debtors, and women

The same democratic plea for the last 60 years, and it works time and time again

So the next occasion when you’re standing in the grocery checkout line with five items that will eat up the better part of forty dollars

And you feel Biden’s fingers in your pocket looking for either spare change or his jollies be sure to squeeze them until he hollers

The big green wave with its e-cars and not so eco-friendly windmills is currently encroaching on the US shoreline

But will have to interrupt the reality TV shows before anyone begins to whine

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