
An Observer of Life in Bad Poetry

Commentary on Daily Life, Politics and Sports


January 2021

Are There No History Majors In Washington?

Money is power, power is money. The Term Limit poster children had elbowed to the front of the line

Showing complete disdain for the “unified “ voting public they were breathlessly waiting for the Big Guy to resign

By carefully controlling this addlebrained puppet to sign their payola infused executive orders they cemented their place at the trough

Feeling smug in their destruction in all things accomplished in the previous administration they were all linked up to receive their Congressional payoff

History, like Mother Nature, has a way of enlightening the ignorant and righting what is wrong

When people are pushed far enough a line is crossed stating enough’s enough and we’ll not play along

The line is crossed when the elitists figure the public is under their thumb and their word is the golden rule

That uncouth working class then rises up and takes the snobbish aristocrats to hard knocks school

In 1917 Vladimir Lenin led the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution and ousted the Czarist government

In 1959 Fidel Castro chased the Cuban Dictator Fulgencio Batista all the way to the Dominican Republic as to the Cuban people this dictator he did not represent

The Tiananmin Square Massacre happened in 1989 as thousands of students gathered to demand democracy, free speech and free press

With brigades of armed soldiers and tanks the Chinese Communist party proceeded to slaughter thousands of it’s own citizens in the name of progress

America is now facing facing similar dilemmas as the Washington ruling class who have NEVER worked for a paycheck are firing workers at will

That pathetic group of protesters that charged the Capitol was just a shot across the bow as the cleansing of Congress will be complete by 2023 and that will be their bitter pill

If You Tell A Lie Big Enough

Joseph Goebbels and Joseph Biden

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Prime Minister of Propaganda was credited with the phrase and forcing Germany to abandon their ideals and to the lie submit

Trump’s handling of COVID was “almost criminal” stated Biden “We’re going to act on day one to get COVID under control”

On day two Biden’s personal puppet of doom stated “We’re still in a serious situation” as the virus raged and the death bell continued to toll

By day five Biden claimed masks not vaccines are the most effective defense

It appears his vaccine policy is non-existent, the vaccines are manufactured but there is no mechanism to dispense

“Nobody making under 400,000 bucks would have their taxes raised. Period. Bingo”

But you’ll pay through the nose on ridiculous taxes and price increases on everything purchased to understand the liar’s lingo

When gas is purchased abroad, the barrel prices will skyrocket and there will be a fuel surcharge added to everything

This won’t hurt the upper crust but heating bills, food and trips to the doctor will cause the middle class to feel the sting

The price of a value meal at the fast food restaurant will top eight bucks as the price of goods and a $15 an hour minimum wage will cause the increase

The harried worker at the drive up window will be covering the jobs of three others who due to costs had been released

It took all of a couple hours to ban any new fracking licenses, killing jobs both current and future as all things gas are considered bad

The promise had been made but he’s in office now and doesn’t care voters in battleground states are seething mad

Hiding behind the thin line of National Guard troops he’s scared the voting public will realize they’ve been played

While preaching Unity his motto really should be “Here, I’ll hold your beer and you drink this kool aid”

When More Is Never Enough

The American citizens tired of Trump’s raucous rants and hearing the words rigged, fake news and witch hunt were elated

Their Big Guy had been elected, they marched to the polls and did what Facebook, Twitter and Instagram had dictated

They all watched with joy as the Big Guy sat down next to a stack of executive orders and commenced to sign

The groveling media and leftists everywhere were ecstatic as the Big Guy autographed the bottom line

While half of America watched in horror, he signed away individual freedoms while taking major bites from their pocketbook

Time to strike before the new Congress can argue as they’re not necessary because the Big Guy has a phone, a pen and the public on the hook

Quick to rejoin the Paris Accord, the economic crippling agreement using US taxpayers to essentially fund China and other countries to take our manufacturing jobs

Indifferent to the cry from the right as the new left regime treats all citizens not in the socialist breakfast club as doorknobs

With a quick stroke of the pen he eliminated the Keystone XL pipeline and put 16,000 out of work

When asked about this one of his toadies replied “we hope they can find other work,’ he said with a smirk

This means dependence on foreign oil as this man seems willing to trade blood for oil demonstrated by US tanks rolling into Syria immediately increasing US presence in the Middle east

How are we going to pay for more troops abroad and the Paris Accord, the taxpayers of course as they are just a month away from feeling the fleece

This will be a demonstration through the deaths of Americans and foreign nationals that dependence on oil is bad while alternative energy is to be revered

We won’t discuss how the manufacturing plants needed to supply goods for this new energy are coal powered and landfills will soon be brimming with their toxic waste but compliance to the policy must be adhered

Soon the taxpayers will be shelling out for the healthcare and welfare benefits for thousands of soon to be illegal aliens now currently living in Guatemala

Because they all know American citizens will be paying their expenses as the USA is their big piňata

So shortly when the the left voting taxpayers realize their vote was a disastrous decision they have no grounds to bitch

Because in reality every left leaning device they used to mindlessly control their thoughts there was always an on/off switch

Paranoia: I See Conservatives

Paranoia is an instinct or thought process which is believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear often to the point of delusion or irrationality. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself (i.e. the American colloquial phrase, “Everyone is out to get me”) Wikipedia

The new King is set to ascend to the throne, but is he showing signs of Paranoid Personality Disorder

Apparently the immigration stampede organizers realize this as there is already a march to the southern border

Take advantage of campaign promises made while the iron is hot

Before it’s realized around the globe statements made can be dismissed with a simple “I forgot”

Trying to isolate himself from at least half the country he constructed walls, closed bridges and brought in troops

Because this may not be enough security he’s demanded the troops to jump through additional hoops

It seems that in the 25,000 guardsman assembled someone might not share in his goal of America’s destruction

So they had to swear a supplementary oath of allegiance per his instruction

There is also a major push to squelch free speech with the proposed media literacy initiative

One way of thought must rule as any slight to the new King would be considered highly insensitive

The new exalted ruler will glare down from his new throne and refuse to answer questions

“Come on man” he will yell at anyone who will offer any minor contrary suggestion

Women who have been touched and fondled, laptop suspicions and former racist statements will be banned

As truth matters not in advancing this party’s brand

One should pity this man by surrounding himself with only “friends” beginning on inauguration day

When on that fateful morning he realizes too late his closest confidants will betray him as he mumbles “Et Tu Brute”

Time To Celebrate Victory For A Man Of The People

The concrete barriers were in place, the iron fence was nine feet high and topped with razor wire

The 25,000 troops were camped out days in advance should another march of protesters transpire

It seems two weeks earlier a pack of goobers stormed the Capitol and caught Washington with it’s pants down

“That can’t happen again” screamed all “We must make sure the inauguration is orderly when the man receives his crown

So, much like Hitler and Kim Jong-un reviewing their troops a call was ordered to all the National Guard from surrounding states

This excessive show of force shows no logic as the inauguration will be private and no one is to be allowed through the gates

Since the man rarely pokes his head out in public the taxpayers would have been better served by spending the funds involved on the covid pandemic

Maybe this points to a small man whose show of force seems purely academic

A private ceremony in the White House reception area with family and friends should have sufficed

And a week of a close quarter “super spreader” and time with family by the encamped troops need not to have been sacrificed

The inauguration will only be day one and the man has already shown he has no limit to spending when he has his hands on taxpayer’s money

And in the first 100 days he will demonstrate he will drain America’s future and that will strike no one as funny

In Remembrance Of Ma Bell

There was an old lady that lived in a shoe

She controlled the phone company and there was nothing anyone could do

She ruled with an iron fist, she owned the land lines, the rates and most of the the phones

She alone decided what you’d pay to use her phones and there was no choice in dial tones

She made you pay for party lines, more for private lines and way more for a long distance call

She owned the yellow pages and their crazy rates for a ¼ page, she owned it all

Before social media came to be, you needed Ma Bell to “reach out and touch someone”

But momentum started to change and this monopoly was broken into Baby Bells and all thought Ma Bell was done

“Monopolies are bad” screamed the public and lawmakers in DC

“From businesses that control us and our interests we must be free”

The Sherman Antitrust Act introduced in 1890 was an attempt to stop an industry from controlling all free thought and trade

Then in 1914 Congress passed the Clayton Antitrust Act and formed the Federal Trade Commission to see the ruling against monopolies must be obeyed

Fast Forward 97 years and new monopolies are formed and band together to control what is now all digital communication

Twitter, Apple, Google and Amazon formed the super oligopoly showing contempt for the law with no limit to their overbearing deprivation

So you may wonder what happened to free thought and speech when it is gone

Blame it on now Grandma Bell, her children may not have made a ripple but the grandkids are her evil spawn

It Didn’t Take Long

Everyone knew it was coming, that pesky Constitution and those annoying Amendments needed to go away

Those seventy four MILLION citizens that voted against their rights being stripped from them need to pay

The far left vision of government control has always worked so well in Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea

Yet here they are, the unmotivated, the Tik Tok dancers and the socialist educated youth all enamored with the idea

The people that believed in individual freedom had lost and it was time to attack the rules of the land

The Constitution and it’s Amendments need to be demolished and the new Congress had that all planned

The surprising aspect to this onslaught was how fast it transpired

The President elect was still two weeks from office when a coven of Tech giants in the first amendment ‘s demise had conspired

The first amendment’s destruction sure didn’t take long and if working in numerical order next will come the right to bear arms

This new country needs it’s citizens defenseless, standing up for your freedom can cause the left’s rampant march harm

It’s easy to to patrol the streets and round up unarmed defenseless dissenters before sending them to 2021’s version of a concentration camp

The Nazi party should not become a constable of public opinion but must dominate it. It must not become a servant of the masses but their master.” says a quote from Hitler’s Mein Kampf

Protection from unreasonable searches and seizures as advised in Amendment IV is going by the wayside

When online communication is controlled by fawning toadies in private companies who feel only they can decide

The FBI will be moved to the forefront in search and seizures as over the recent past this pack of lackeys has demonstrated how honorable they are

Compromise will not happen and pushback seems inevitable, as my way or the highway will make life in the new America quite bizarre

So America you have a ringside seat to watch what happens when fanatics are given total control

You truly will be bystanders to the formation of a dictatorship that will first steal your rights and then come for your soul

Well, I Guess We Could Secede

The fan blades had stopped turning as dripping brown matter had choked down the motor

The left lunatic fringe had achieved their goal and started their campaign to crush the non-left leaning American voter

Divide and conquer was their ideology but when in front of the fawning media the sermon was one of unity

But being played the fool was obvious by citizens in any party and not fooled by this amateurish show of alleged ingenuity

Big Tech backed by their new found crazed leftist power seized the moment by censuring anyone not worshiping at their feet

While the freshly empowered left was still a couple of months away from deciding who was really in the driver’s seat

Meanwhile the American worker is harboring that ever increasing eerie feeling that his rights are about to disappear

Feeling powerless as Howdy Doody in their own home with the new regime being the puppeteer

But are citizens really that vulnerable or might there be an alternative

Could a line in the sand be drawn with a possible solution for a moderate or conservative

What Washington doesn’t want the average citizen to realize is that individual holds all the cards

The old motto “Money talks bull poo walks” is a phrase that has brought down many courtyards

Control the taxes and when the current war chest is depleted suddenly those in power become all talk

Eliminate the two blue coasts some government subsidized urban areas and the new leftist agenda is on the sidewalk outlined in chalk

Thirty three states pooling their taxes would become a force Washington would need to handle

Compromise would happen no violence or protesting needed and the new president would be free to cover up his own scandal

These states could form their own Union representing all people with NO past or current elected official included

The Blue States could fund themselves by Silicon Valley, celebrities and highly overpaid sports stars as by the new Union they would be excluded

The defunded police could seek employment in the new Union and gangs could be used to enforce the Blue State laws

The migration of people to the new Union would be swift leaving the new administration clutching at straws

All people with skills and determination would be welcome and everyone would once again follow the Constitution and respect all’s rights

Because in reality fair trade, job satisfaction and a feeling of belonging is the ideology that unites

China Joe Is In Control

Joe Biden appeared from his basement version of the Little White House and commenced to shout

Since his oratory style lacks persuasiveness he feels his third world rhetoric if spoken loudly carries more clout

Charlie Chan the great fictional Chinese American detective once stated “Mind is like parachute, only functions when open”

And for a few minutes a day when awake, Joe considers himself as America’s savior, the progressive Utopian

“In my first 100 days” begins every sentence on Joe’s teleprompter and is his common theme

Being a one trick pony boy he figures it’ll take that long to destroy America’s dream

He is now the real Big Guy as called in an e-mail by his son

But Big Guy only holds true in the US as in the last election it was really China that won

Biden yells he will immediately join the Chinese controlled World Health Organization

The WHO praised China for it’s handling of the covid crisis looking the other way from online censorship and whistle blower incarceration

Biden also howls he will rejoin the ridiculously flawed Paris Accord

The fact Mother Nature is constantly changing is to be ignored

Now the largely American funded Accord restrictions can shutter manufacturers and send those jobs abroad

To third world countries not held to the same carbon standards in an agreement horribly flawed

“Come on man” shouts Biden if once in a blue moon someone asks a question

Blame it on the Russians if it’s personal and blame Trump for all other transgressions

What should have been a shining moment for a career politician

Will spiral into unanswered questions about Chinese connections, laptop memos and a deteriorating medical condition

Will his new green deal, The Paris Accord and an immigration stampede be more than the taxpayer can bear?

Just don’t ask the President, remember he’s China Joe, he’s fragile, handle with care

The Chick Kick

the chick kick

The Vanderbilt football team was struggling through a winless season

Covid cancellations, players opting out and a very tough schedule were the given reasons

Socially distanced fans were keeping their distance by staying miles away

To keep the team relevant a soccer player from the women’s team was brought in creating a feminist red letter day

The teams regular kicker had tested positive and was on virus restrictions

Adding a woman to the team could generate interest and boost contributions a cure all prescriptions

Praising the move as bold, celebrities and sports networks lined up to sing their praises

But does this really provide equality on the the field is a question this move raises

Sure it was was a touchstone moment created watching a point after a touchdown sail through the goal posts

But in reality women’s sports shouldn’t be raising their glasses in too many unbridled toasts

This appears to open the door for the elimination of women’s’ sports as we know it today

The original idea of Title IX will be steamrolled and become passe

It’s been years since jokes were heard about Russian women competing with their low hanging widget

Swearing to all that would listen in the Olympic world they were 100% female and were legit

But now all that is off the table as equality has to work both ways

Because women, women born men and men can now take their place on the women’s dais

A guy looking for a free ride can take his low handicap even lower by hitting from the red tees

He can charge through the field in women’s golf tournaments and win in a breeze

Pick a sport and all genders can compete for a roster spot on the same team

The idea that genders can compete only against other like genders might just be a vanishing dream

The door has been opened for true gender equality and women’s’ sports will be redefined

As it may have been two points for the Vanderbilt football team but a giant leap backwards for all of mankind

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